Monthly Cookies: March
The January/February 2019 issue of Food Network Magazine included a fun feature: a cookie for every month of the year!
I don’t know about where you live, but March definitely came in like a lion where we are.
For all of my weather complaining though, it really has been perfect weather for baking!
These cookies are a bit labor intensive with all of the separating of the dough, kneading each color in, rolling dough rectangles of the right sizes, and wrapping up a rainbow cookie log.
But once that’s all done, they are super easy slice-and-bake cookies!
The recipe states that it makes about 36 cookies. I ended up with about 50. I know I cut some of them thinner than others though, so if you stick with the recommended 3/8″ thickness you probably will end up with about 36 cookies.
After baking, the straight cut of the bottom of the rainbow will probably bow out a little bit. Obviously this won’t affect the taste of the cookies at all, but if straight rainbow bottoms are important to you I found a way to remedy the bowing.
Working quickly as soon as the cookies come out of the oven, while they’re still soft, use one hand to support the top (red) part of the rainbow and the other hand to gently press the bottom of the cookie straight using the bottom edge of a spatula.
I was able to mostly straighten out my rainbow bottoms that way before they cooled and hardened!
Rainbow Slice-and-Bake Cookies, Food Network Magazine January/February 2019.